Round Robin
- Max 30 Teams
- Ordering rule: Like world cup
- Won +3 Drawn +1 Lost 0
- Share ranking and game table on Twitter,Facebook.
- Max 71 Teams
- Share draws with Twitter,mail and so on.
Create Web Site of tournament
- Once create web site, it's updated automatically.
- Share site URL with Twitter, mail and so on.
Statistics View
- Show all result of tournament and games per clubs.
- Input PK scores
- Input goal players
- Backup and Restore
- Analysis Graphs
- Make Web Page
Round Robin
- Max 30 Pasukan
- Peraturan Susunan: Seperti piala dunia
- Menang 3 Seri 1 Lost 0
- Kedudukan Saham dan meja permainan di Twitter, Facebook.
Kalah Mati
- Max 71 Pasukan
- Bahagian seri dengan Twitter, mel dan sebagainya.
Buat Laman Web dengan kejohanan
- Setelah membuat laman web, ia dikemaskini secara automatik.
- URL laman web Berkongsi dengan Twitter, mel dan sebagainya.
Statistik Lihat
- Tunjukkan semua hasil perlawanan dan permainan setiap kelab.
- Skor Input PK
- Peserta matlamat Input
- Backup dan Restore
- Analisis Graf
- Buat Laman Web
Round Robin
- Max 30 Teams
- Ordering rule: Like world cup
- Won +3 Drawn +1 Lost 0
- Share ranking and game table on Twitter,Facebook.
- Max 71 Teams
- Share draws with Twitter,mail and so on.
Create Web Site of tournament
- Once create web site, it's updated automatically.
- Share site URL with Twitter, mail and so on.
Statistics View
- Show all result of tournament and games per clubs.
- Input PK scores
- Input goal players
- Backup and Restore
- Analysis Graphs
- Make Web Page